Shepard Johnson Residence This was a craftsman renovation project we completed very early in our tenure. It was a small 3-bedroom beach home.… Continue reading “Shepard Johnson Residence”…
Redden Residence Sustainable Renovation The Redden Residence was a renovation to our founding partner’s own home. For this project, he wanted to improve his… Continue reading “Redden Residence Sustainable Renovation”…
How do I get exactly what I want when building a home? Today, I want to talk a little bit about getting the right price for the home or business you want. … Continue reading “How do I get exactly what I want when building a home?”…
What are Architectural Drawings For This week, I ran into a couple of new problems that comes from a misunderstanding of the limits of architectural… Continue reading “What are Architectural Drawings For”…
Where should you spend your money from your limited budget? Yesterday, I visited a house designed on a napkin by a non-professional. He was extremely proud of his house that… Continue reading “Where should you spend your money from your limited budget?”…
What does the code say? So, guess what the most common question I get asked as part of my job. It’s usually some version of, “can… Continue reading “What does the code say?”…
Can I afford an Architect? The short answer is, if you’re looking to build, you can’t afford not to hire one. I know I’ve posted… Continue reading “Can I afford an Architect?”…
Air Barriers – How and why to wrap your home. Before I start, keep in mind that every environment is different, if you live in Canada, you have different climate… Continue reading “Air Barriers – How and why to wrap your home.”…
Buttoning up a Home – Increasing your Energy Efficiency for the New Year It’s resolution season and for many of you, you may be resolving to save energy this year. If you’re planning… Continue reading “Buttoning up a Home – Increasing your Energy Efficiency for the New Year”…
Hiring an Architect As an architect, there are a lot of ways I can get attached to a project. The best way for… Continue reading “Hiring an Architect”…